The Smartest man in The World

10. James Woods

James Woods
James Woods is a TV, stage and a movie actor. He has a brilliant IQ level of 180. He went to UCLA for high school and got a scholarship at MIT. For his great performance in ‘Promise’ and ‘My Name is Bill W’ he won two Emmy awards. He also played a role in a TV series ‘Shark’.

9. Sir Andrew Wiles

Sir Andrew Wiles
Sir Andrew Wiles is a British mathematician and a Professor at Oxford University. He is the son of Maurice Frank Wiles who is also the professor at the same University. Wiles earned his graduation degree in mathematics in 1974. He is very popular for proving Last theorem which is the most difficult problem in math.

8. Kenneth Farrell

Kenneth Farrell
Kenneth Farrell is a doctor by profession and has great achievement in the field of medicine. He is a member of IQ organizations including the Genre IQ Society, Epimethius Society and the order of Imhotep. He created some verbal and IQ tests such as 12345 and QUINTIQ.

7. Garry Kasparov

Garry Kasparov
Garry Kasparov is a youngest Russian undisputed world champion in Chess when he was just 22 years old. He shows his brilliant skills in the Chess game which already need a sharp mind. He also ran for President in Russia. In 1997 he lost his first match to a computer under a standard time control.

6. Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis

Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis
Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis is a Greek national who earned three degrees including philosophy, medical research technology and psycho pharmacology. He is known for his high intelligence test score with a great IQ score of 258. He also like painting, swimming and lots of travelling.

5. Kim Ung Yong

Kim Ung Yong
Kim Ung Yong is a South Korean Civil Engineering and listed in the Guinness Book of World Record for the highest IQ. He was different from other children as he starts speaking when he was only six months old. When he was three he read many language including German, Korean, Japanese and English. NASA invited him to study in the US when he was eight years old. After the studies he published many theories related to hydraulics.

4. Terence Tao

Terence Tao
Terence Tao is an Australian mathematician and known for the Green-Tao theorem and Tao’s inequality. He also worked in harmonic analysis, partial differential equation, ergodic Ramsey theory, number theory and matrix theory. He is very talented as he solved arithmetic problems at two years old and won the gold medal in the International math Olympiad when he was thirteen years old. He was one of the recipients of the 2006 Fields Medal.

3. Christopher Hirata

Christopher Hirata
Christopher Hirata won a gold medal in an international physics Olympiad at the age of 13. When he was 22 years old, he completed his PhD degree from the University of Princeton. Now he is working for NASA projects on how to colonize and conquer mars.

2. Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was an American electrical and mechanical engineer. He is best known for his contribution to the design of the modern AC current system. And also for his high voltage, high frequency power experiment and radio communication. In honor of Nikola Tesla the International system of unit dedicated the term “tesla” to the SI unit of magnetic field strength.

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking-Smartest People in the World
Stephen William Hawking is an English Physicist, cosmologist and Director of research at the University of Cambridge. He completed his studies from California Institute of Technology and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. He is known for his Hawking Radiation and Penrose Hawking theorem and awarded by Albert Einstein award in 1978. In spite of bearing with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Stephen Hawking has always been a source of inspiration for billions of people.



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